It’s rare for a game to live up to the enormous pre-release hype and Grand Theft Auto IV is that rare game. With a huge Liberty City to explore, impressive detail, sharp writing, compelling characters, and a ton of side missions and activities to complete, Grand Theft Auto IV is not only the best GTA game ever, it’s one of the best games ever period.
We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to get you through every facet of Grand Theft Auto IV and every corner of Liberty City. You’ll find a complete walk-through of the story mode, details on all friends, girlfriends, and random characters, solutions to side missions, multiplayer tips, and cheat codes.
Some guide to Grand Theft Auto IV features:
Story Walk-through: A complete walk-through of the single-player game with tips on completing all mission objectives.
Friends, Girlfriends, and Random Characters: Make friends, date girlfriends, and meet random characters. This section covers them all, including how to show your friends a good time, impress dates, and how to unlock special benefits.
Side Missions: Need cash or just want to take on some additional work? Check here for tips on completing the available side missions, such as Brucie’s export business, Little Jacob’s package runs, Stevie’s vehicles, or the assassin tasks.
Multiplayer Tips: This section compiles tips on competing in Grand Theft Auto IV’s multiplayer modes.
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We’ve put together a comprehensive guide to get you through every facet of Grand Theft Auto IV and every corner of Liberty City. You’ll find a complete walk-through of the story mode, details on all friends, girlfriends, and random characters, solutions to side missions, multiplayer tips, and cheat codes.
Some guide to Grand Theft Auto IV features:
Story Walk-through: A complete walk-through of the single-player game with tips on completing all mission objectives.
Friends, Girlfriends, and Random Characters: Make friends, date girlfriends, and meet random characters. This section covers them all, including how to show your friends a good time, impress dates, and how to unlock special benefits.
Side Missions: Need cash or just want to take on some additional work? Check here for tips on completing the available side missions, such as Brucie’s export business, Little Jacob’s package runs, Stevie’s vehicles, or the assassin tasks.
Multiplayer Tips: This section compiles tips on competing in Grand Theft Auto IV’s multiplayer modes.
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